Warmly meet · Live up to Yannis employee birthday party in June

The early summer is coming to an end and will usher in the hot summer. Before it comes, we threw a birthday party for the friends whose birthdays in June.

Games we played on the party:

01  Quiz for quick Answer

the topic is about firework knowledge.

Participants were all brainstorimng to found answers as quickly as them can when there's quiz. By this way, we understood the fire safty very well, and also learnt company culture deeply, this game enhanced relationship between colleagues.

For whom gave the correct answers quickly would award a mini elect-fans, everyone were passionated and most of them already won rewardings; but for those who failed the games, please don't worried, you can fight harder next year.

02 Birthday celebration

With the crown, you are the big role of today.

We've prepared exquisite gifts and cakes for today's two stars, and best wishes to them.

03 Beautiful moments Recording

Time lasting forever and memories is always long.

In this happy day, let's blessing our most sincere wishes to the best of you who cerebrate birthday with us, along with the strongest and deepest love, may you and Yanis forge ahead together.